Ankle Pain Relief Vancouver, BC | West End Physiotherapy

Ankle Pain Relief


Achieve Ankle Pain Relief Through Physiotherapy Treatment

Do you have ankle pain when flexing your foot up, walking, or playing sports? Is your ankle pain interfering with your quality of life? Your ankle may be aching for a variety of reasons, but there is still hope! You can find ankle pain relief through physiotherapy. 

West End Physiotherapy can help you identify the source of your pain and find the ankle pain relief you need. It’s time to get back up and moving! 

Request an appointment with one of our licensed and qualified Vancouver physiotherapists today to learn more about how we can help you!

Why does my ankle hurt?

A variety of factors can contribute to ankle pain. An ankle injury can be excruciatingly painful, preventing you from bearing weight. Even minor discomfort can make it difficult to go about your daily activities. 

Ankle pain can strike suddenly as a result of an injury or gradually as a result of a chronic underlying condition. Here are some of the possible causes of ankle pain:


Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition characterized by joint pain. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most common types. Both types of arthritis can be very painful to the ankle joints and affect people of all ages.

Fractured Ankle

Ankle pain will occur if one of the three bones in your ankle is broken (tibia, fibula, or talus). Ankle fractures may necessitate weeks of rest to heal properly. After a fracture, the muscles surrounding the fracture site become weak which can make normal activities like walking painful.


Bursitis occurs when tendons rub against the anti-friction sacs known as “bursae,” resulting in flat feet. While having flat feet is usually painless, having them out of alignment with your knees can cause your ankles to hurt or swell. 

Fortunately, our Vancouver physiotherapy clinic has assisted in the rehabilitation of numerous ankle injuries. Allow us to assist you as well!

Sprained or Strained Ankle

Both sprains and strains are typical ankle injuries that are commonly misunderstood! An ankle sprain happens from an acute stress to a ligament. Sometimes the ligament can rupture causing chronic feelings of instability. An ankle strain happens when a muscle or its tendon is overstretched.

Achilles tendinitis

Achilles tendinopathy is characterized by tendon pain in the tendon that attaches your calf muscle to the back of your heel. A variety of factors can cause Achilles tendon pain.A recent activity overload might be the most common cause but other factors such as limitations in ankle and foot range of motion,altered walking patterns, poor posture, and improper footwear can all put excessive strain on the Achilles tendon.

Typically, the back of the ankle and heel is very painful to touch, especially after prolonged walking. Rest tends to alleviate Achilles tendon pain while walking can aggravate it.

Physiotherapy can help you find ankle pain relief

If you or a loved one is experiencing ankle pain that is interfering with your ability to function, West End Physiotherapy can help! During your initial visit, our Vancouver physiotherapist will conduct a thorough assessment to determine the source of your discomfort and then develop a personalized plan of care for your condition. 

The majority of treatment methods for ankle pain relief include specialized hands-on physiotherapy techniques, exercises, and stretches to restore joint mobility, improve balance, and strengthen ankle muscles. 

We’ll do everything we can to relieve your pain and restore your strengthso you can get back to your normal routine. 

To avoid re-injury or further complications in the future, we will periodically re-evaluate your plan of care. Suggestions for lifestyle changes, footwear and orthotic recommendations, and any other adjunct therapy that your physiotherapist believes will help you resume your normal routine will be included in the plan.

Request an appointment and rid yourself of ankle pain

You are not destined to suffer from ankle discomfort for the rest of your life. You have the right to walk around freely and pain-free! 

Our physiotherapy facility in Vancouver can help you regain ankle mobility, comfort, and overall function while also reducing any restrictions that are bothering you.

You should make an appointment with West End Physiotherapy as soon as possible. Begin your road to recovery right away!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Personalized Plan of Care

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!